Make your HOA great!!

We put people first when establishing relationships between HOAs and their owners.


We put people first when establishing relationships between a homeowners association its owners. Americal's leaders have more than 20 years' experience solving simple and complex problems for the benefit of HOAs and owners alike. Americal uses its expertise and knowledge to assist Members of the Board of Directors in choosing prudent, cost-effective and legal solutions so that your homeowners association operates smoothly. Call us today for a proposal.
Homeowners Association Financial Processing Services

HOA Financial Processing

All financial processing is accurately completed by utilizing payment processing by an HOA-oriented local bank and specifically-written HOA accounting software that is updated regularly. Americal makes the process easy for owners and the homeowners association. Owners have the choice of paying by an auto-debit system, paying online at a third-party website which accepts credit and debit cards or mailing their payment directly to the bank’s lockbox. All payments received by the bank’s lockbox are deposited daily into the HOA’s bank account. Each day, the bank sends Americal a completed tally of your HOA’s activities which automatically updates each owner’s account in the accounting software. Complete and accurate monthly financial statements are provided each month to the Board of Directors.

HOA Collection Services

HOA Collection Procedures

In a perfect world, collection procedures and policies would not be needed. However, there may be times when any owner can experience difficult financial issues. Americal has extensive experience and expertise to guide your HOA on the best, legal practices when your homeowners association has not received all of the monies that are assessed. Americal will provide your HOA, at no cost, a Delinquency and Collection Policy for your Board to adopt. This Policy is based on your specific HOA governing documents and the current California Civil Code as well as the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. The Board adopted Policy is the road map to be used when HOA assessments remain unpaid. The process is meant to be fair and equitable for the owner as well as the homeowners association.

Homeowner Relationships

HOA Homeowner Relationships

Americal listens to all homeowners and their concerns, whatever the issue is. Americal treats all homeowners with dignity and respect and will attempt to solve any issues raised by an owner using board-established authorizations and common sense. When a simple solution is not available, all homeowner concerns are provided to the Board of Directions for guidance and an appropriate decision. As most HOA Boards only meet once a month, Americal will make every effort to solve a homeowner’s issue based on the available options and previous precedent set by the homeowners association. In some cases, homeowners may be invited to an executive session Board meeting to personally discuss their issue with the Board.


Americal is a Full-Service HOA Property Management Company. We provide all of the options that Boards and homeowners expect in today’s world. Each homeowners association is different and Americal offers options to match your particular needs and desires.


HOAs collect and spend money on a variety of items. The Board of Directors has a fiduciary responsibility to ensure that the HOA collects all money it is owed and that all expenses are properly accounted for. Americal provides the Board with a complete and accurate financial statement each month. This enables the Board to review all of the financial transactions for the previous month and request any additional information that may be desired. Americal utilizes accounting software written specifically for HOAs so this enables the Board to easily and quickly review all financial matters.


Living in an HOA and serving on an HOA Board of Directors is not supposed to be difficult and time consuming. Americal’s approach and extensive expertise in HOA Management allows our team to solve small problems before they become large problems. Americal anticipates many problems before an issue can become a serious complaint. Americal’s principal has many year’s experience in resolving homeowner disputes and vendor complaints. This proactive approach helps eliminate contentious Board meetings and unhappy homeowners – both of which make a Board Member’s service a pleasant experience.


A major complaint from Boards of Directors is that a simple request is not addressed promptly or for some reason, falls to the bottom of the “to do list”. Americal’s approach is to actually solve issues that are raised in a timely manner so that a small problem can’t take on a life of its own and linger month after month. Because of Americal’s experience in the HOA industry, our staff members know how to resolve most common problems, as they occur. Your Board can depend on Americal to promptly and properly address the issues unique to your HOA.


In today’s “instant response” world, Board Members and homeowners dislike waiting and waiting for a response to an inquiry. Whether it’s a billing question or a broken sprinkler that needs to be repaired, it is Americal’s long standing policy to address each inquiry on the same day. Phone calls and email requests are normally handled on the same day that they are received. The exception to that is a request that involves research or a third party that arrives “late in the day” and those requests will be answered on the following business day. If there are emails in our inbox or the voicemail red light is on, on most every occasion, Americal will address the concern that same day.


When a decision needs to be made, everyone likes choices.  Americal offers choices even before you become a client.  Americal offers an all-inclusive management contract or one with an ala carte approach.  When choosing the correct vendor for your HOA is discussed, Americal offers choices from the vendors who specialize in HOA repairs and maintenance.  Although Americal is happy to provide input and recommendations as we work with all available vendors, the selection choices are made by the Board of Directors.  Many times, an issue being discussed is similar to what occurred at a different HOA.  Americal will provide the Board with a variety of options along with its recommended solution.  After a Board decision is made, Americal will implement the Board’s choice.


Homeowners, on occasion, have disputes with their neighbors or with the Board. The Civil Code outlines the legal process that is allowed for those disputes to be resolved. However, many times before a dispute dissolves into a legal issue, encouraging some back and forth communication between the parties can be very productive and effective. Americal uses its resources to attempt to resolve problems so that neither side “digs their heals in” making a resolution costly and contentious. It is Americal’s approach to find a “middle ground solution” so that homeowners can live in a harmonious community.


Americal provides great service for your homeowners association at a competitive and affordable price. When circumstances or conditions change, Americal changes with them, continuing to maintain the highest standards in the industry.

Americal’s principal has more than 20 years of experience at the top level of an HOA Management Company. There he guided and supervised HOA Property Managers and provided knowledge and expertise to Boards of Directors on every imaginable issue. His expertise includes solving homeowner dispute issues, working with HOA legal counsel to minimize costs for the HOA, interfacing with City and County staff and elected personnel to resolve all governmental requirements, ensuring that all required documents are filed in compliance with state and local laws, providing options and choices when an HOA vendor is not living up to the HOA’s expectations, long term planning in conjunction with Board Members and financial experts to meet an HOA’s future needs, providing digital solutions to everyday homeowners association needs as those items become legally available and interfacing with insurance brokers and claims personnel on all related items to control expenses.

Americal’s principal has worked in a professional capacity for his entire life. He is a C.A.I. certified property manager having attained the CACM designation. In addition to his 20+ years of experience with HOAs, he previously oversaw a firm that served as an HOA Collection Firm for five years. During that time, all requirements of State collection laws as well as Federal Bankruptcy laws were strictly adhered to. His past experience also includes ownership of a mortgage loan company, working as a consultant to real estate developers on new and troubled projects, including the management of multiple apartment complexes and a hotel, and a mid-90’s, a stint as a credentialed adult education teacher for L.A.U.S.D. teaching Real Estate Principals.

In his “spare time” he is also a long-time sports official who has refereed high school football, basketball, volleyball, softball and baseball as well as five years of Junior College basketball and ten years of Semi-Pro football. Officiating has greatly helped Americal’s principal work through difficult and contested issues at times with greatly divergent goals. His negotiation skills have enabled workable solutions to a variety of problems that may have otherwise involved legal counsel and the court system.

Americal understands that Members of a Board of Directors volunteer to serve their HOA and donate their spare time for the benefit of the homeowners in their HOA. As a Board President of his 504 home HOA for more than 12 years, Americal’s principal knows that a dependable HOA Management Company is vital to the smooth operation for any HOA. Americal has carefully chosen third party firms that specialize in the HOA industry to assist in a variety of everyday tasks that are required. Each of these firms provides a specific expertise in their area of work that helps control costs while maintaining a high standard of service to all of Americal’s clients. Becoming an Americal client HOA means that your HOA has the best possible people working on every issue that arises. Americal doesn’t make excuses – Americal provides solutions and choices for your HOA so that your Board and all of the owners can be proud of their community.

The first step in solving a problem is understanding what the problem actually is. That requires “listening”. Americal listens to all owners and Board Members so that any possible solution to a current issue can be properly discussed, evaluated and selected. For most every HOA, there are truly not “new problems” that rise to the surface. Most of the time, there are simply new people expressing a concern or desire that may have been addressed previously, sometimes by another HOA. Americal’s commitment to you is that owners will be treated respectfully, will be listened to, and Americal will understand their issue fully. Americal will then offer the Board of Directors, or the owner, a reasonable, cost-effective solution so that the same agenda items don’t continue to show up month after month at your meetings. Solving problems is actually quicker and takes less time and effort than ignoring a problem month after month. Issues that are resolved are a key component to ensuring that homeowners are satisfied and the HOA operates smoothly. This approach makes serving on the Board of Directors much easier and is certainly more satisfying as a Board Member volunteers his/her time and effort to the community.



Contact us now using our contact information below, or send an email now using the form below.


Americal HOA Property Management Company Inc.
34281 Doheny Park Road, #7225
Capistrano Beach, CA 92624


949-573-7825 Phone
949-698-9002 Fax


Mon-Th 8am – 5pm
Other times by appointment